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Two steps to take if you discover a diseased tree in your garden

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If you have discovered that one of the trees in your garden has developed a disease, there are two steps you will need to take. Read on to find out what these steps are. Take measures to avoid the spread of disease If you have other trees in your garden, it is absolutely essential to avoid touching the trunk or walking over the visible roots of the diseased tree, as this could lead to the harmful bacteria or fungi present on its bark being transferred to your feet or hands.…

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Sudden Limb Drops: Why Eucalyptus Trees Shed Their Limbs and What to Look Out For

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A healthy eucalyptus tree can provide an area with many benefits. They grow quickly, up to 15 feet per year, offer shade, act as a natural wind barrier and are also visually appealing. They also attract wildlife, such as lorikeets, eastern rosellas and possums. However, despite their hardiness and ability to adapt to most climates and soil types, eucalyptus trees are prone to shedding leaves, bark and, more worryingly, limbs.…

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